Wednesday, April 30, 2008

emo-ing period for all??

just finished reading all the blogs that i visit most frequently. and came to a conclusion. everyone is some say is identity seeking, some are having deep thoughts of what to do with their current situation. and some... i don't think i came across 1 post that is not having the same the situation as the others. i dont' know what reaction should i potray; ampathy? sympathy? laugh? or just smile? noot teasingly laugh or smile k...

i admire some of them, as they have such deep thoughts, such different perspectives towards life. maybe i just view life different from them. probably i view relationships among people slightly different from them. maybe i just don't take it seriously as they would. the fear of getting hurt is still within me. don't know... the feeling of being in a relationship still eludes me. i'm happy with what i have, i'm content with the people around me.

falling for someone is just way too easy. getting a reaction from the other person, would say it's in between. involving in a relationship, that's just hard. stakes are high; emotions, time, energy. it could be a tiring process, but people still enjoys it. maybe the prospect of spending the rest of your life with the person you are most comfortable with, spurs both partners looking forward to be together, and make the most of it.

to me, forever doesn't exist. unless you are dead. i should be looking at life in a more optimistic manner... such is life... the person you sleep beside you for the past 10 years could just leave you the next day. maybe for the most ridiculous reason, that you never thought bout it. sad... but that's life.

emotional attachment is 1 thing that is hardest to detach. well, at least for me. i'm sure some of you may agree with me. many times when you friend just broke up, they would surely say, 'i'm not gonna get involve in a relationship anymore.' yet.. after couple of months, we see them holding another guy/gal's hand in Levi's shop buying a couples T-shirt.

not involving in a relationship, is like being half dead. (to some la) i know there are many things you could do. helping the need, save the world, serve God or maybe on a personal note, build a stronger and complete YOU. we can't escape from human interaction. by saying 'i can' meaning you staying in some temple or monastery. i mean, you actually could. by detaching youself from the outside world, yet, you are attached to it. but's it's a whole different level. maybe some of you know how's it's done. =)

as i mentioned just now, detachment part is the hardest. y so? i also not quite sure. maybe is because we have 'invested' time, energy, and emotion into the other person. and those investement definitely are more valuable than New York stocks exchange share market. some people take a life time to get over someone precious to them. some take a shorter time. i took double the time of the time i had with my partner to finally able to 'shrugged off'

it definetly takes time. we know what we suppose to do... just being told once, or figuring out things on our own. in the end, it's just understand the situation, the know will eventually come. but... the question is; accepting the fact, and acting upon it. how many of us, can acept the fact that.. let's say, ur parents just died, and you terus can accept the fact, they are gone. surely it takes time for reality to sink it, especially they mean so much to us. (maybe the parents example was bit too much, but i'm just trying to get my point across)

seeing some of my friends going thru such period. in a way, saddens me. things will definitely get better. the process is agonising and painful, yet.. it's another way of teaching about life have to offer.


there's 1 period of time, i almost fall for someone. (see... it's easy to fall for someone) i probably too simple, maybe too complicated. maybe the initial stages was nice... we have good conversation. probably just the nice feeling of talking to her. but i soon found out that she's interested in some other guy. (guy=my friend) and some other things happened. nonetheless, my main point is... is easy to fall for someone. hehee...

phew.. it took me 3 days to write this post. siao! n the last part was totally random. thou, there's alot more to write... but.. not tat anyone will finish reading till tis part. =)


stef said...

emo personality + study psychology = super emo mentality

i'm not saying psyc doesnt suit u (it's 1 of d subject every1 is involved in no matter wat), jz dat u really need 2 start living life feeling content. then, u can b happy even wif less.

Michael.Horn said...

good post bro!