Sunday, August 24, 2008

forever and ever part 1

'Ken**** loves L**Y*** forever.'

'I love you forever, and never to be separate.'

'Your presence fill my every void that is been left unfilled for eternity, until you came along.'

such quotes... we often see it in movies, when the leading male actor woulds say such lovely things to the leading female actor. we read it in novels, where the writer type in words that would melt anyone who read it. we listen to songs where the lyrics just set u in an ambiance mood.

but do we mean it when we say it? at least, do u mean it? well, the question is more like does 'forever and ever' exits anymore in this modern, realistic days, where we are shadowed by wealth, power, and selfish desires.

'true love and forever and ever doesn't exist, it's just lies and it blinds us with words that makes u feel assure at that very moment. promises will always be broken.' and this is coming from a person who once belief in true love, and forever and ever.

it saddens when events occurs that literally crush one's dream. we get disappointed when things are not in line with the ones we heard in bedtime stories told by mommies and daddies when we were little.

and yet, time and time again, reality over-whelm our pure and innocent dreams. a dream that we try to pursue, with the belief system that has implanted into every cell, hoping that our childhood dream might just happen. that is until reality smack us right at our face. and slowly, we begun to lose hope, every cell in the body died with disappointment.

so, could we blame those who chose security over pure love? i think is fair to say that we couldn't.

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