Friday, March 26, 2010

i shit also no time, you want me to do this

could one is focus on doing solely on one thing, and one particular thing only, that they don't have time for any other things? be it to shit or eat or even brush their teeth.

i always hear ppl say; 'i shit also no time, you want me to do this?' ( i sometimes use this too, if i don't feel like doing it). sadly, most of the time, when they said it, next moment you bump into them in shopping complexes, facebooking, or doing whateva they are not suppose to do, or rather least important as compare to what they suppose to be doing.

oh well, we are humans. and there are always margin for us making mistakes. what i'm trying to say is... just be frank lah. don't have to give so many redundant excuses.

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