Saturday, February 07, 2009

psychologist not

when i first enrolled into psychology, my intention was to get a masters in sport psych. you know, you tend to have dreams and goals, seeing the Malaysian sports in total mess. it's not nice always seeing our ass being kick by Indonesia in badminton. it's even a shame when our football team's asses being whooped by our fellow neighboring countries; whose world ranking is 50 rungs below us (minimum).

that was 2 years ago.

i'm in my final year. those enthusiasm of helping others seems to fade away. probably reach the end of malacca straits. looking around me, there seems to many who are 'suffering' from various 'cases'. this is a bunch of young and energetic people who once has a dream of somewhat similar to mine. (not in sports, but other areas).

how do help others, when you can't even solve your own. i bet top psychologist in the world do have their own problems as well. i once heard Lilian Too our very own feng shui master in malaysia just filed a divorce. and yet you see her in tv, radio, and magazines advising people how to harmonize your home and relationships with your love ones. padahal, she can't settle her own.
where's her credibilty?? the whole thing seems like a scam.

having said that, we tend to see others problems rather easy compare to examine our own. even we put a mirror in front of us and acess every damn cell our own body, we don't seems to see where our problem lies. it's ironic. but i think it's the truth.

'how come you acted this way? why do you hunch? why can't you just let go? why are you so stupid? ' these are the various questions that we 'find' fault in others, when your friends and love ones just can't see.

yet again, we are able to see a problem our friends have, even though it's a minor one (provided you are observant enough) yea.. people tend to be ignorant, sometimes.

so, what's the point of taking up this course? when some of our peers adventure into engineering, acountant, lawyer. as if they are contributing to the society. however, if you look at a psychological perspective, we tend to contribute a whole lot. as in, we 'study' human behaviours. diagnose, evaluate, and attempt to cure. you got to admit, every living being that has a conscious mind, and ability to think has an attitude and behaviour.

we merely are better in understanding creatures behaviour, so we could counter react, or maybe neutralize 'it'. having said that, we too have flaws and shortcomings. it's just that we know where is the root and able to acess to it more convenient than others. agree? don't agree? that's for you to pounder.

conclusion, no matter how big your heart is, and how long your helping hands try to extend, it's always better to examine our own before doing good to the society. although it is somewhat selfish to say so. matter of fact, it is alright to be a lil selfish, sometimes.


Anonymous said...

Lilian Too, you know what she claimed? That feng shui save her marriage~! Yeah right, for me i think the money she make from advertising her feng shui theories save her marriage.

endless-scroll said...

isit?? i don't know la. tat's what i heard. maybe i didnt get the facts right. =)