Tuesday, November 27, 2007

22 april - 13 nov

22 april - 13 nov. this is the period i will always rmb. it has brought so many sweet memories that are to be treasured, bitter notes to be reflect on. this is the period i would rmb for a long time, as it has bring significance meaning into my life, and along the way change who am i as a person. i wanna thank god whom shed light towards a wonderful person that has lid up my life, givin me the chance to learn so much from this person, as a friend, a companion, a partner, a lover and as well as a teacher. through this period of time, i've learn so much in life.

it is sad, for i couldn't learn and share anymore with this person; even i long for it not to end. the period of that chapter have been close; even i long for it not to be close. as much as it hurts, i need to let go; even i long for it not to let go. i need to move on with my life, as it wasn't meant to be. it takes courage and effort. on the other hand, it takes even greater courage for the other party to do so. and for that, i salute.

promises that has been made, are yet to be fulfill. promises that says we'll stuck with each other no matter what.. promises that says i'll be there for u... all these are yet to be fulfill...

there's nothing to be blame, there's nothing i could do. there's no more strength in me of lifting my finger swearing at as to why god treat me this way.

i don't know what the future lies ahead of me, as it is still greyish to me now... as we cannot foresee the future. but i know what i want, and i know He will allign something great for me. for i am grateful for things that happened, and will happen to me.

therefore, i hope god bless this person along the way, and guide this person thru the journey that lies ahead. amen...

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