Thursday, January 24, 2008

i think i lost my sense of humour. really...
and i seriously don't know what to write bout. any suggestion?
i'm afraid i post something emo. sien lor, rite?! so i rather not say anything. cuz i feel some of u guys are sick and tired of reading the same old thing over and over again.

damn, i'm still coughing... it has been like 3 weeks. still coughing non-stop. i even have problem ordering food;

boss!! kasi... *cough cough* indon mee *cough cough cough* goreng sa.. *cough* satu. teh o... *cough... ais *cough* limau *cough.... *
sien gile... can't even have a proper conversation without coughing for once.


thx ivy for ur ginger tea, sadly... still not working. haihz...

hmm.. tat's bout it. don't know what to write anymore. until next time...

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

big head prawn

i seriously need to be more organize. and i seriously need to be more alert in what i'm doing. i keep on forgetting things i need to do la. shit man... they say memory deteriorate as we age, but i read a book saying our memory actually does improve, and will get better. (and i'm not tryin to console myself, is really written in the book) macam mana ni. who to do belief? hmm...

maybe i should get an organizer, or maybe a PDA? jot down every single thing i need to do. k la, i'll get 1 organizer, since PDA is so darn expensive. =.=

i'm so sorry my friends, i try my very best not to let my forgetfulness get in the way. just smack my head next time if i ever forget stuff that i should do. (but not too hard k...) pain, u know...

k la... don't know what to write ledi. wanna go get an organizer.

have a great day ahead of u


Thursday, January 10, 2008

that's it

looking at the pictures. seeing them hugging together. taking photos from different places. i'm so jealous. i'm angry. at the same time, deep down inside, i feel serene. yea... is so contradicting, i know. maybe... i don't know what to feel anymore. maybe... i'm finally able to let go. they say; time will tell, and time will heal. i think i have given myself enough time. i don't know whether it is fully heal, neither do i know that time has given me indication of what i need to know. but i know that by dwelling in the past, it's not gonna take me anywhere, neither it will heal my wounds. by plugging myself into misery, is not that she knows what i'm feeling. is not that she is gonna give a fuck of what i'm going thru. hell, she didn't even bother to give a damn at the first place. she knows shit of what i'm have gone thru, and going thru.

i just realize something. why do people are afraid of changes? that what they always say rite? well, i'm gonna disagree with that statement a lil. i think people change all the time, because they want what's best and beneficial to themselves. that is why they move forward, searching for new territory, adventuring into new possiblities. at the end of the day, they want to be happy of what they have. the satisfaction feeling of obtaining their objective would overrule every possible feeling there is in this universe. in a more simpler term, imagine you have been craving for ice-creams for 10 years, (probably you have been stucked in some hutan for that long period of time) and you finally reach a stall that sell ice-creams. that feeling is just... MUAX!
but when a person changes. the first thing people would say. 'hey, you have changed. who are you anyway? you're not the person taht i first knew.' well, i think is not all bad. in fact, there's nothing wrong with it. unless that person changes into a bloody rapist, or some murderer. just because you have not change, doesn't mean i'm a bad person. is just that our perception on certain things have change. or they always say; different channel or different radio station. get the ball?

so, yea... i didn't want it to be all emo entry. so, yea... something for you to pounder on maybe.

kalau tak faham, nevermind. i wrote it just to re-organize my thoughts.

have a nice day. =)

Tuesday, January 08, 2008


雨 不停落下來
花 怎麼都不開
儘管我細心灌溉 你說不愛就不愛
我一個人 欣賞悲哀

愛 只剩下無奈
我 一直不願再去猜
鋼琴上黑鍵之間 永遠都夾著空白
缺了一塊 就不精采

*緊緊相依的心如何Say Goodbye
 我用背叛自己 完成你的期盼

 把手放開不問一句Say Goodbye

心 有一句感慨
我 還能夠跟誰對白
在你關上門之前 替我再回頭看看
那些片段 還在不在
this few days have been rather strange and yet interesting. so strange, if i tell you, you may not be able to accept or believe. it never happened to me b4 this, and i never expect it to happen. (and i finally tot i could blog about something) but i don't know how to tell you guys about it. really...


have u ever been caught in a situation; when an action triggered, but you don't know how to react, even though you know is wrong by either reacting or giving no response to it. put it bluntly, whateva you do, is WRONG. unless the action stops.

have you ever been in a situation that the person is going through a period that he/she is not being able to handle it. at the very same time, you are going throught the same situation as well. and yet, you don't know how to react. the easiest way was to join the 'party', but you choose not to, cause your friend needs you at that very moment.

don't get it??

don't bother, is just what i'm feeling and thought bout right now...

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

staring at the lappie screen for a very long time. fumbling things that are all over my table. clicking my mouse from web page to web page. and continuing to stare at the screen again, for a very long time..

don't be emo ledi lah...

stare at comp for a very long time again<>
yalo, why wanna be emo ledi leh...
it's d 1st day of 2008 wei.
very the broadly...