Thursday, February 17, 2011

First Valentine

Officially this is the first Valentine we celebrated together.

It's just like any normal day that we've been through. Both are dead tired after work, though i very much enjoyed the laughters while in the living room. Nothing spectacular, nothing ordinary, maybe it's because of certain restrictions, however, it's not an excuse to not 'goreng' it a lil.

I must say seeing that smile lids me up. It just gives me great comfort to manage to see you are doing alright.

Thank you for being my Valentine.. then and now.

Friday, February 11, 2011

mind readings

it's been a while. last post was 1 month ago.. so, you'll be looking at 12 post for the year 2011.

do you believe in mind readings?

have you been to wondering and searching for answers, and you couldn't just figure out for ages. it seems like a missing puzzle to complete the whole picture.

and out of a sudden, light bulb lid. you get a hint, a tip or a message from a conversation, or message that flash passed you. so, do you consider that person does mind readings? it's as though the person knows what's bothering you, and he/she does not want to tell it out explicitly, while casually phrase it in a normal conversation between 2 human beings. *that took awhile to complete the sentence*

coincidence? or just pure luck?

whatever it is, i choose to be amaze by it.